Industry leader in tailored ABPI Exam training with outstanding success for over 25 years


A web based, timed multiple-choice progress test – as the ABPI exam is time restricted so are these nine online modules with 480 questions, designed by Cheryl Grainger.

Length of the course can be varied but most effective if completed over >9 weeks, ideally starting 15 weeks before the exam date, but of course it can be matched to the candidates’ revision timetable.

Successful design ensuring:

  • Entry is restricted by a unique login ID and password
  • All level 3 Certificate (AM only) and Diploma (AM & PM) Units are covered
  • Mimicking the 4-answer MCQs used in the actual exam
  • Time allowed for each module is restricted because the pace of answering questions is important
  • Each module can be reset and repeated as required
  • Instant results as answers are marked online
  • Candidates can print incorrect answers and questions with answers as they finish each module
  • Managers can be informed of progress
  • Candidates who need extra tuition can be identified

For more information about Distinctive Learning
and the ABPI examination

+44 (0)7734 105670
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